Monday, June 4, 2012

No Such Thing as a Small Life!

I absolutely LOVE this picture from Getting Down With Jesus, which says "There's no such thing as a small life when it makes a BIG DEAL out of God."

This concise phrase completely encompasses everything this blog stands for and believes!  I wholeheartedly agree that there is no small life that makes a big deal out of God, because God is SO BIG and astounding, that pursuing Him is no small pursuit.

Being filled with love from God that is so vast, so urgent, and so consuming, and then showering that love back onto a lost and weary world--there is nothing small or insignificant about that!

Jesus Christ gives our lives meaning and purpose, and in Him we have our identity, our security, our faith, and our victory.  These concepts are big deals to God, and when we follow God and He gives us these things, God makes a BIG DEAL out of us.

And when God makes a BIG DEAL out of us, we can never be small, insignificant, or unworthy!  Praise God that He looks upon us so highly!

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